Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Felloship

Title: Navigating energy storage challenges: profitability and net zero goals in Europe's energy transition

Funding body: EU HORIZON-MSCA-2023-PF-01

Funding amount: € 172,000

Project duration: 24 months (start date 1st October 2024)

Principal Investigator: Dr Iacopo Savelli


Project overview

Large-scale energy storages (LES) are critical building blocks to support the massive deployment of intermittent renewable generation and the rapid phase-out of fossil-fuel generators required to achieve net zero by 2050. Yet, critical questions remain open, such as: 

This research project will answer these questions investigating: (i) the self-cannibalisation (i.e., how the increasing LES deployment can reduce profitability in its own market); (ii) the cross-cannibalisation (i.e., how the increasing renewable penetration will affect storage revenues); and (iii) how the trajectory of these two aspects will evolve from present days until 2050, in Europe. 

This project aims at: